


ENVIRONMENT ( Tree plantation, Awareness programs, Relief, and rehabilitation work)


  1. Tree plantation
  2. Climate change awareness
  3. Chennai flood rehabilitation

     Rations, Food, Cloth, and Pond Cleaning.

  1. Gaja cyclone rehabilitation

Tree plantation 3 siblings for one family – Total beneficiaries – 1000 families.

   Seeds distribution   worth Rs.150 per family  for 1000 families

   Hut construction for 9 families worth Rs.25,000 per family.
5.  Water and Sanitation.

” Now it’s necessary to Plant one Tree for one Person, not for one Family “

” Let’s Plant Trees from now Onwards “

Chennai Flood 2015 Rehabilitation

Gaja Rehabilitation – Tree Plantation, Seed Distribution, Home Construction in Nagapattinam District.

Environment Blogs