Fight against Malnutrition
Providing Nutritious Food to 250 Remedial Class Children.
Medical Camp
Two times a year we conduct medical camp like dental, Eye, General, etc up to 300 Children/year.
Our Target
Beneficiaries: 10,000 / year Adolescent girls
Prevention of Diseases: Promotion of Health
Improve hygiene and sanitation in the rural and Suburban.
Avoid the diseases which come under poor hygiene.
Overcome the bad mentality /myth of the students.
Provide individual counseling to needy children
Cloth pads to the students.
Menstrual Health and Hygiene ( MHH )
Girls in the age category of 13-50 yrs, belonging to lower middle class living in the rural and semi-urban area will use the services of the Napkin using practice. It leads infection due to the pads are made by plastic materials. In poor condition, they buy low-cost materials. This chemical /fiber pads cellulose gel can cause cervical cancer. A woman might be used nearly 5000-6000 napkins in her lifetime and when dioxin accumulates in the body it can cause serious health risks and diseases such as immune system damage diabetes, hormone dysfunction, pelvic inflammatory disease ovarian cancer, and infertility – reproductive problems. IUCT is Supporting to create awareness about Menstrual health and hygiene and reproductive health Education to the Adolescent girls and providing organic cloth pad to them.